Monday, 28 April 2008

Khalistan Day 2008 Uk, May 4th

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Guru Di Sadh Sangat Is Invited To The Following

The Council of Khalistan in association with Dal Khalsa UK and other Panthic affiliates will be holding a Panthic Samagam at Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick ,Midlands ,UK on May the 4th which has been chosen as Khalistan Day 2008 UK.

The convention will include a host of Panthic figures who will give their views on the following:

*Khalistan Movement
*Current situation in Panjab
*The recent propaganda campaign against the Sikhs by the Indian Govt and Western Media such as the BBC & CBC
*What needs to be done to counter this negative portrayal of Sikhs
*Human Rights abuses 1984 - Present
*Detention of Sikh Political Prisoners within India
*Commemoration of 30 years since the Amritsar Massacre & what it means for us today
*June Rally in Central London - Hyde Park
*The right to self determination
*Where the Panth stands today
*Threats to the Panth such as the RSS Hindu Fanatics & their activities in trying to destroy the Panth
*Where the Panth stands today
*How we can move forward efficiently in order to attain justice and our Independent Homeland Khalistan

We invite all the Sikh Sangat from across the UK to join us at this historic event ,and urge you to tell others and join us with Family & Friends to create awarness through Parchaar and strengthen Panthic Unity.There will also be a host of Dhadis and Ragi Jathas performing live at the event for further information or if you would like to ask any questions which can be ansewered at the event please email us

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

'When Nations Wake Up Even History Begins To Shiver...' Shaheed Jinda /Sukha

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