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Friday, 9 September 2022

HM Queen Elizabeth II Tribute

 We are deeply saddened today in what is a dark day for the entire United Kingdom & the realms. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away this afternoon at Balmoral Castle, Scotland. HM the Queen reigned over a 70 year period of intense change technological advancement & development of the modern world. The Queen was a constant in the day to day life of this country and she lived a life of service & duty as head of state representating the Crown which symbolises the sovereignty of the people. From her service in the Second World War to steering the country through constitutional crises & world events the Queen has always been there for as long as anyone alive today remembers. We pray for HM the Queen šŸ‘ø may God rest her soul, her immediate family and for this great nation and all who reside in it šŸ™ šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ 

We appreciate her support for giving the go ahead to hold the launch of the Khalistan Referendum at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre opposite Parliament on October 31st 2021

Friday, 19 January 2018

Write to your MP to oppose Modis 2018 visit to the UK

Dear ........ ( MP/Representatives name )
I write to you with great concern in regards to the upcoming visit of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in April.
Mr Modiā€™s arrival in Britain will be deeply divisive to all communities as well as a stain on the values of democracy freedom and respect we hold so dear in this country.
As you may or may not know Mr Modi and his BJP government are the political wing of the RSS The Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh a Facist organisation who take direct inspiration from Hitler. The RSS and Modiā€™s BJP advocate and promote the idea of ā€˜ Hindutva ā€˜ which is made up of Hindi,Hindu,Hindustan a pure Hindu Nation in India. In the past Christians have faced the evil of Hindutva through forced conversions, rape of nuns, burning of Churches and massacres like in Orissa.Muslims in Gujarat have faced similar massacres, tribes in the North East of India have been persecuted and driven from their homes and forcefully converted by the RSS. Kashmiris and Sikhs have also faced persecution, massacres, rape and interference in their community matters by the RSS in its quest to establish the Hindutva State.
Mr Modi is now the poster child of Hindutva across the world and is revered by Hindutva Facistā€™s world over for his tough stance against minorities who suffer in India. He has been praised by Hindutva leaders who hail him as a hero in their mission to establish a pure Hindu State.Where over half a billion people from minorities suffer due to the rampant oppression and killing carried out in the name of Hindutva.
Mr Modiā€™s previous visit in 2015 faced heavy protests from Kashmiris,Sikhs,Christians,Nepalese, and ethnic tribal representatives from the north east of India.
The mere presence of a man in the U.K. who advocates the establishment of Hindutva should send alarm bells ringing to anyone who meets or greets him.
As my representative I ask you to oppose this visit as it stands against the very ideals and morals we hold dear.Facist ideologies such as Hindutva and their leaders have no place in Britain, or in any other democratic country. I trust you will take a stand against his visit and be on the right side of history with the oppressed and not with the oppressors.
Christians,Kashmiris,Sikhs and all the communities of the U.K. stand against this visit and ask you to do the same, or at least raise the question of why this Facist leader is being welcomed to our country.
Yours Sincerely

Monday, 9 October 2017

Nigerian Student Accused Of Theft Beaten By A Mob In Delhi


New Delhi:
 A Nigerian national accused of theft and drugs was beaten up by a mob in south Delhiā€™s Malviya Nagar in an incident late last month.
In a video that emerged on Monday, the man can be seen tied up to a pole, screaming and begging as he is thrashed with iron rods and sticks by the mob.
According to a report in NDTV, the man was allegedly caught inside the house of Krishna Kumar in the early hours of September 24. When he was handed over to the police that day, he was badly wounded and barely conscious.
The report says that people in the neighbourhood claimed he fell down the stairs when he was trying to escape.
video shared with NDTV belies that claim. The video shows the man begging for mercy while the locals can be heard saying, ā€œGet red chilly. Beat him harderā€¦ā€
The man was taken to the police, with injuries to his head, face, limbs and back. He was later arrested and has been in jail since the incident, ANI reported.
Africans living in the country have been facing violence and abuse. Brutal racial attacks have also been recently reported from Bangalore and Delhi.
Earlier this year, four Nigerian students were allegedly attacked by residents who took out a candle-light march for a 17-year-old boy who had died due to suspected drug overdose.
In May 2016, a Congolese student was beaten to death in Delhi.
Groups of African students were beaten by mobs in at least two separate incidents in March.

Dal Khalsa UK Condemns the above attack on a Nigerian student in the strongest terms. Its an example of what kind of system operates in the world's largest so called democracy where people of African background are attacked on a daily basis based on the colour of their skin.
This further proves the statistics right that India is a racist society towards Africans.Time and time again we see our African brethren who have come to work study and contribute to society being attacked and even being killed.While all the while the accusation is the same ie: of theft etc. This is a cover story to the racism of Indian society and that of Brahminism which promotes the division of humanity.
African Nations need to take this up with the highest levels of the Indian State as their citizens are the biggest victims and no one should turn a blind eye to this sheer terror on the streets of India against black people. 

Friday, 8 September 2017

Police Raid Innocent Sikh Family's Home For Firearms

Mr Rayat & Family

Police Raid Innocent Sikh Family's Home For Firearms

Dal Khalsa UK strongly condemns the outrageous & shocking way in which a Sikh Family  - namely the Rayat family were treated during a botched firearms raid on their family home after a false report. 

On August 23rd 2017 as the family were on their way to Southall , West London it became apparent that their vehicle had a punctured tyre as a result of this they returned home to call the RAC to sort out the issue.Upon arrival father Mr Sukhi Singh Rayat remained in the vehicle and his mother, son and daughter went indoors while Mr Rayat remained on the phone to the RAC in regards to the tyre puncture.When Mr Rayat left his vehicle he heard someone shout 'stop put your hands in the air ' as he looked up he saw the perimeters of his property surrounded by seven Police vehicles and twenty Police Officers, ten of whom were armed with firearms.

Mr Rayat was then manhandled against a wall , handcuffed and pushed on to a Police vehicle while having firearms pointed at him from all sides - head to toe all while Police dogs were barking and officers shouting instructions to a shocked Mr Rayat. This all happened while the rest of the family were inside who were asked to close the door but were one by one taken out at gun-point in a very aggressive manner.

Once the entire family had vacated the property the Police including the firearms units then proceeded to raid the family home rushing inside in an aggressive manner as if their was a gunman hiding inside even though the family co-operated with the Police at every stage. Within the family home on the top floor there is a special prayer room in which the Sikh Scripture the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which Sikhs see as a living Guru is kept. As with visiting a Sikh house of worship - the Gurdwara their is a protocol such as removing your shoes and covering your head to go in to the main prayer hall and other areas of the Gurdwara once you enter , the same applies to rooms in which Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is placed.

The family told the Police three times about the room upstairs and how sacred it was due to the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji but requests were ignored and the Police proceeded to raid that room as well with their shoes on.

The entire episode was due to what can only be called a malicious call made to Police of a 'popping' sound and men with firearms in the front seat of a car. The individual who made the call changed their story three times ranging from seeing a gun to gun gestures and then a popping sound. Clearly Herts Police have failed in their intelligence assessment of the incident and should have handled this in a more professional manner ,instead of working out what was going on and speaking to the so called witness again it seems they went in on the basis of a dodgy call , with the intent to raid the family home.

Everyone can understand that a call made to Police about someone having a firearm is a serious allegation and the Police have to and should proceed in the manner necessary but going in on the basis of such a flimsy call without any background intelligence is sheer incompetence. Even if the Police had to come they could of handled the matter better instead bringing dogs ,pointing guns at a well respected family and taking them out on to the street at gunpoint in front of the whole neighbourhood to see over a false allegation. To add insult to injury they then went and raided the entire house including the sacred room upstairs in which Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was present ,this was not only an insult to the families beliefs but to Sikhs across the UK and the World as the Police ignored the requests of the family in regards to the room. It was clear from the offset that the family were innocent and the Police should have used more common sense and calmed down with their aggressive tactics ,the shock and sheer panic on the faces of members of the family which included Mr Rayat's elderly mother , would have given away that there was no firearm and they should have proceeded more calmly instead of aggressively raiding the entire house.

It's clear Herts Police have zero training on how to enter sacred rooms and even Gurdwaras as they ignored the requests of the family to take off their shoes when entering the room upstairs. They could have easily taken a member of the family with them even with a Police firearm, removed their shoes completed their checks and come back down but they didn't and this is what is insulting to the family as well as the UK wide Sikh Community. We call on Herts Police and other forces to adequately train their officers for such things as to build bridges not break down relations and create distrust and fear in communities across the board.

The individual who made the malicious call and changed their story three times should also be held to account and dealt with by the Police for wasting Police time and resources. Vital resources which are needed at a time where those being monitored by intelligence and security agencies are planning Jihadist attacks on UK soil ,those are the homes that should be raided aggressively not the homes of innocent families who have nothing to hide.

The family are deeply hurt and scared by this incident which has left them all shaken and angry due to the way in which the Police conducted themselves and as the family feel, we also believe the entire behaviour of the officers could be due to racial profiling as well as a lack of diversity training. The Chief Constable of North Herts Police has apologised to the family but this is not enough therefore we call on the Police and Crime Commissioner of Hertfordshire Police to look in to this distressing episode on a personal note and take the appropriate action and implement any changes in policy - such as diversity training that may be required,we also call on local MP Bim Afolami to look in to this matter.

Jasvinder Singh

Dal Khalsa UK

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Hasaan Khan - Khalistani Panjabi ft. Toofan Singh

The long awaited track and Official video to ' KHALISTANI PANJABI ' by the one and only Hasaan Khan is OUT NOW!
A revolutionary concept and song showcasing the Sovereignty of the mighty Panjab - Land of the Five Rivers as well as calling out those working to destroy it on all sides and spheres. Hasaan has done an incredibly amazing job on thise track alongside Sukhdeep Singh Moga.
KHALISTANI PANJABI #Khalistan #Panjab #Freedom

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

15th August 1947 the Partition of Panjab the Sikh Homeland

15th August 1947 the Partition of Panjab the Sikh Homeland

Monday, 14 August 2017

70 years since Panjab was Partitioned in 1947


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