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Friday, 1 November 2013
Sikhs Should Not Celebrate Bandhi Chorh Divas or 'Diwali' This Year - Never Forget 1984
Dal Khalsa UK urges all Sikhs to refrain from any 'Celebrations' this year of Bandhi Chorh Divas or Diwali as most Sikhs call it.The Gurpurab this year falls on the same weekend as the 29th anniversary of the November 1984 Sikh Genocide across India,in which Hindu mobs under instruction from the Hindutva establishment killed & ethnically cleansed ten's of thousands of Sikhs.
While we encourage all Sikhs to remember Dhan Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji's release from Jail & the concept behind Bandhi Chorh Divas,we ask all to refrain from any letting off fireworks & celebratory cheer,such as handing out ladoos etc.
Leading on from the letter of Jathedar Bhai Balwant Singh Ji Rajoana who appealed to the Khalsa Panth - the Sikh Nation & the SGPC to refrain from letting off fireworks,we would like to also reinforce his message.Jathedar Bhai Balwant Singh Ji Rajoana has instead appealed to all Sikhs to save the money they would have used for fireworks to help the families of the Shaheeds.While we acknowledge that not all Sikhs families across the world can help out financially,we ask them instead to reflect on the past 29 years on this sombre Bandhi Chorh Divas,and educate one another.
On the day of Bandhi Chorh Divas take ALL your family to the Gurdwara & educate them on what the Gurpurab is about and about what happened 29 years ago to our people across India.Keep your conscience alive, if you have saved up money for fireworks,sweets etc use that money instead to play your part in the Sikh Freedom Movement in whatever way you wish from printing leaflets,creating media regarding 1984 all the way to helping the families of Shaheeds in whichever way you or your family see fit.
While many Parents and elders may not agree with the above and call us and the Gurdwaras not celebrating 'extremists' we believe the Sikh Youth of today will heed this Panthic call.This Bandhi Chorh Divas lets make a change,for once lets not let off fireworks for once lets not 'celebrate' something just for the sake of it in a commercial manner.For far too long Bandhi Chorh Divas has become a reason for a party in many Sikh homes across the World.Lets vow this Bandhi Chorh Divas - the 29th anniversary of the 1984 Sikh Genocide across India that we will keep OUR CONSCIENCE ALIVE regardless of what anyone tells us.
On this occasion of Bandhi Chorh Divas 29 years ago Sikh Girls were raped across India,Sikhs were lynched & burned alive,fed to dogs,Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's saroops were burned ripped apart & thrown on to the streets.This could have been your father,mother or sister or even YOU!
The soil was drenched in the blood of Sikhs across India 29 years later the culprits are still roaming free with Hindutva Indian state protection.
With this in mind can we really celebrate or attend so called 'Diwali' parties,which most Sikh families do?
Any celebration this year will be an insult to the Shaheeds of 1984 & to the Sikh Kaum as a whole,just as in 1984 when Bandhi Chorh Divas also fell at the same time,Sikhs across the UK did not have any celebrations but instead put all efforts in to raising more awareness of what was happening the Sikhs in Hindutva India.
We ask all to please copy this message & paste it to their social media pages,profiles such as Facebook,Twitter Google+ and even text friends & families the basic message of what many Gursikhs such as Jathedar Bhai Balwant Singh Ji Rajoana are trying to tell us this Bandhi Chorh Divas.
We cannot celebrate our own Genocide!
Never Forget 1984 - Khalistan Zindabad #iPledgeKhalistan
Dal Khalsa UK
Please watch & share the videos below with everyone.
Jathedar Rajoana's Letter On Bandhi Chorh Divas & 1984 Sikh Genocide |19/10/2013
SGPC To Celebrate 1984 Sikh Genocide - Fireworks To Go Ahead
Sikh Genocide November 1984 29 Years Dedication ਕਵਿਤਾ By Harpal Singh Sandhu
Attempt To Remove Dal Khalsa Freedom Poster By Hindutva Shiv Sena Terrorists
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Operation Shaanti Indira Gandhi's Plan To Wipe Out Sikhs Forever - November 1984 SHOCKING!
After the Hindutva military assault on Sri Harmandar Sahib the Sikhs' Holiest Shrine,in which Sri Akaal Takht Sahib was destroyed & where thousands of Sikhs were martyred Indira Gandhi & the Hindutva Brahmin establishment had another plan.This plan involved the planned full scale Genocide of the Sikh Nation & Panjab both in India & in Pakistan.This plan which was most probably planned at the same time as the so called 'Operation Bluestar' was salvaged & put in action after Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji & Shaheeed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji eliminated Indira Gandhi on the 31st of October 1984.
Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji & Shaheeed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji learned of this plan from various sources in the Government & from close friends who had tipped them off of what was to come.
Below we list just some of the facts that have come to light of this mind shattering plan which even reading will pierce your soul to it's core.
The plan was to launch a proxy war with Pakistan with the aim of forever wiping out Sikhs & their history from the face of this Earth.
The Plan involved:
*A false flag attack by Indian Intelligence which would be blamed on the Sikhs,with the aim of starting war with Pakistan.
*The media through All India Radio & Doordarshan TV would announce that the Sikhs had joined hands with Pakistani Forces & were set to invade Indian Occupied Panjab.
*The Border Security Force & Indian Army which was already in Panjab would seal all the Borders to prevent any exodus of Sikhs before the War would begin.
*The Indian Air Force would commence mass ariel bombardment of Panjab & it's villages after provoking Pakistan with targeted air strikes,against it's infrastructure.
*Once the full scale war would begin Panjab the Sikhs & their Gurdwaras would be carpet bombed by the Indian Air Force from above & Sikhs would be rounded up and shot killed in their thousands in mass numbers by the Army.
*Fierce fighting at Amrtisar would destroy Sri Harmandar Sahib forever along with the various Sikh Historical Gurdwaras.As Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Gurpurab was on the planned attack dates,it would ensure maximum deaths of Sikhs.
*In the name of Self Defence the Hindutva Indian Army would then bomb the major Sikh Gurdwaras in Pakistan Panjab such as Sri Nankana Sahib the birth place of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji - the 1st Guru of the Sikhs.Thus achieving the aim of wiping out all symbols of Sikh History & Sovereignty from where the Sikhs would be able to derive inspiration to gather for Self Defence & Freedom.The same was planned for Sri Damdama Sahib & Takht Sri Keshgash Sahib - Sri Anandpur Sahib the birth place of the Khalsa.We saw during June 1984 where 40 other Historical Gurdwareh were attacked,Operation Shaanti would have finished off the job.
*As the criss cross bombing of Hindutva Indian & Pakistani Airforce would go on,Sikhs across India will be labelled as a danger to 'National Unity' & Agents of Pakistan.To get 'rid' of these remaining Sikhs All India Radio & Doordarshan National TV would commence a mass anti Sikh propaganda wave in which the wider Hindu Population would openly butcher,rape & kill Sikhs in the form of ethnic cleansing.
*Operation Shudi Karan the mass rape of Sikh Girls & Women would be expanded.To change the 'seed' of the Sikh Race as they saw it.
On the 31st of October 1984 Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji & Shaheeed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji eliminated Indira Gandhi for her crimes.A few days before & weeks before Indira herself gave hints of what would happen if she was killed and that each drop of blood would 'invigorate' the nation.Which you can see in the video below.
Below is a more detailed account:
After her elimination by Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji & Shaheeed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji,Indira's son Rajiv took charge of the entire 'Operation Shaanti'genocidal plan to salvage what he could do as the plan had now been sabotaged.
This is what we saw from the 1st of November onwards the planned eradication of Sikhs across India with the media Propaganda against Sikhs preparing the wider Hindu Population to strike at will.
The Sikh Genocide in June 1984 was not enough for the Hindu Terrorist Establishment hence lndira drew a diabolical plan named Operation Shanti to carry out general massacre of the Sikhs of genocidal proportions around Nov. I, when the Sikhs would assemble In the Gurdwaras for celebration of Guru Nanak's Gurpurab.
According to plan large scale skirmishes virtually amounting to war were to take place all along the lndia-Pakistan border.It was to be given out that the Sikhs have risen to revolt In Punjab, and joined hands with Pakistani forces which had made considerable advances Into the lndian territory.
(The author writes that some one close to R.K.Dhawan Special Secretary PM office met the author around Oct.22,1984 and said that War with Pakistan was around the corner and could take place In the first week of Nov.84. The author got contours of lndira's nefarious genocidal plan In second half of Nov.1984.)
The plan was discussed with certain army generals who advised lndira against it.They advised that Nazis had used gas chambers to finish off the Jews but had not been able to do so, and that her name would be clubbed with Nazis. But she was unrelenting.
Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji & Shaheeed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji were motivated by highest consideration of the good of the Panth. But for their timely action with lndira's Sikh genocidal plan, Operation Shanti, eliminating all the Sikhs in across India,Panjab all the way inside Pakistan would have suffered immeasurable and Infinite losses.What happened in Delhi and across India in all of 1984 onwards with over 400,000 lives being lost and billions of worth of property & Gurdwaras being destroyed, was on a much lesser scale than originally planned.
The final phase of lndira's war against the Sikh Nation could have been more severe had she been able to carry out her blitzkrieg planned around Nov.8. That would have enabled her Hindu Fascist Terrorists to commit genocide of the Sikhs with downright thoroughness.
Meanwhile, the plan to provoke hostilities with Pakistan had leaked out to major International Intelligence agencies because even top secrets in the Prime Ministers secretariat were being sold fora song by personal staff of P.M.'s Principal Secretary, P.C. Alexander.
Pakistani President Zia al Haq made earnest attempts to ward off the war with lndia. He Instructed his Ambassador In New Delhi, Humayun Khan, to convey directly to lndira of his great concern in deteriorating lndia-Pakistan relations, and suggested resumption of direct talks between the two. Consequently, Humayun Khan, bypassing lndian Foreign Office, called on P.C. Alexander on October 25, 1984 to convey his President's proposals for summit level talks, without any preconditions.
The Hindutva tyrant lndira was not receptive, in view of her nefarious Sikh genocidal plan, she paid a sudden visit to Kashmir on October 21, when, however, she got the omen of her imminent death. Back In New Delhi, the following day, records Alexander, "she sent for Gen.Vaidya (the Hindutva General who destroyed Sri Akal Takht Sahib) and asked him in my presence about the preparedness of the lndian army In J&K to meet any unexpected outbreak of trouble. General Vaidya assured her that the army was very well prepared for any eventuality and there was no danger of it being taken unaware by the Pakistanis".
"After General Vaidya's departure; lndira asked Alexander to fully apprise Vice President, R. Venkataraman of the developments In the Punjab and J&K, and remain in close contact with him for lt would be helpful to keep him fully Informed of all developments and get his views on them." Alexander records. 'l do not know what prompted me and I met Venkataraman on October 30 and apprised him' of Prime Minister's concerns and fears."
lndira wanted to Involve Vice President from that very stage as he was to be the acting President once Operation Shaanti was operative, and incovenient Zail Singh ( Traitor Slave of Indira Gandhi) was bumped off. Significantly,Pakistani Gen Zia ul Haq stated at lndira's funeral that it was with great difficulty that he had been able to avert a war with lndia. His then No. 2, Ghulam lshaq Khan, after demitting the office of President of Pakistan In July 1993, stated that lndira had planned to attack Pakistan but was shot dead some ten days before the D Day.
The omen of her imminent death weighed on lndira for the rest of her four days of life. That was uppermost In her mind when she spoke of her violent death at the public meeting at Bhubaneshwar on October 29. Later In the evening, she broached the subject with Orissa Governor, B.N. Pandey, at the dinner table. The thought lingered on, as she returned to Delhi on October 30 night But unlike Aurangzeb who was remorseful at the burden of sin' he was carrying, lndira, not being religious, was unrelenting.
Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji, Sub-lnspector In lndira's security, got the contours of lndira's Sikh genocidal plan from R.K. Dhawan, Special Assistant to Prime Minister, and decided to act to thwart it. He commissioned Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji to assist him.
On October 31, 1984, at 9.00 a.m. Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji with his service revolver shot lndira In the abdomen and pumped five bullets. ln less than a minute, at his call, Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji emptied his automatic carbine In lndira's abdomen region. Actually, one bullet In the head would have been sufficient. But abdomen was chosen because, firstly, they had been assured that she would not be wearing her bullet proof jacket, and secondly, they did not want to hurt anyone else, which a shoot out at head might have entailed.
Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Jihad cautioned Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji to ensure that his friend Dhawan, was not hurt in the melee. After shooting lndira, both threw down their weapons. And, Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji said, "l have done what I had to do. You do what you want to do." ln another six minutes, the forces behind the shootout had the two shot by Tarsem Singh Jamwal and Ram Saran of the lndo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP). Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh died immediately protecting Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji , while Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji managed to survive to face the hangman's noose.
Dhawan while In All lndia lnstitute of Medical Sciences where efforts were being made to resuscitate lndira, rang Prime Minister's residence a number of times, enquiring about Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji and Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji.He must have been nervous at Beant's disclosing of lndira's Sikh-genocidal plan. Operation Shanti, as the motivating factor for his act.This heroic act of Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji & Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh Ji saved the Sikh Nation from being suffering a much worse fate than we would have at the time.The on going Genocide is another part of this continuing plan to subdue Sikhs finish them off and leave them with no choice but to assimilate in to the Hindu Fold of Hindi,Hindu,Hindustan Nazi ideology of Hindutva or be wiped out.
Indira Gandhi's Halloween - Trick or Treat 31st October 1984
We Honour Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh Ji On His Shaheedi Day 31st October 2013
Amritsar Da Badla 31st October 1984 - Indira Gandhi Eliminated
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Sunday, 27 October 2013
The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has decided to go ahead with the fireworks at the Golden Temple on Diwali on November 3. But at the same time, it has decided to cut down on the duration of the fireworks.
Confirming this, SGPC chief Avtar Singh Makkar said, "In the past also, we have cut down on the duration of the fireworks, owing to air pollution. Last year, the show lasted 20 to 25 minutes and this year, it will be of seven to 10 minutes."
When asked if the duration was being reduced following a letter by death row convict Rajoana, appealing the SGPC not to burst crackers at the Golden Temple on Diwali, Makkar denied it. He said they would go ahead with the programme as no one could dictate terms to the Akal Takht.
A message has been circulating on the social networking sites asking Sikhs not to celebrate Diwali on November 3, as on this day in 1984 a large number of Sikhs were killed. The message asks Sikhs not to burst crackers, adding that there would be no fireworks at the Golden Temple as well.
Meanwhile, sources in the SGPC said investigations were on to find out the person responsible for sending messages on the fake letterhead of the SGPC warning Sikh women against observing the Karva Chauth fast. The miscreant was said to hail from near Gurdaspur, but things would be clear once the investigation was completed, sources said.
Meanwhile, Charanjit Singh, scientific officer, Punjab Pollution Control Board, said that last year also, the duration of fireworks at the Golden Temple was reduced to about half an hour. Its cutting down further this year would reduce air pollution, he added.
Hurricane-Force Storm Hits Southern Britain
The storm has ripped across Wales and England, felling trees, cutting power supplies to at least 5,000 people and damaging vehicles, with some of the worst weather expected during the morning rush hour.
Gusts of 99mph have been recorded at the Needles on the Isle of Wight, according to the Met Office, while the Environment Agency has put in place 12 flood warnings and 146 flood alerts.
In Newhaven, East Sussex, the family of a 14-year-old boy who was swept into the sea were said to be "distraught" after coastguard rescuers were forced to call off their search.
Most train operators cancelled all services in the south of England before 9am - with further disruption expected throughout the day.
Network Rail said: "Trains will not be allowed to run until the worst of the storm has passed and engineers have been able to check railway lines in daylight for fallen trees, branches or any other debris which may have blown onto or damaged the infrastructure."
Sky's Home Affairs Correspondent Mark White reports airline workers have been briefed that winds of up to 80 knots (90+ mph) could last until midday at Heathrow.
Engineers have warned that they will be unable to open aircraft cargo hatches or operate walkways used to offload passengers in winds of more than 40-45 knots.
Airlines are believed to be making plans to divert planes to airports in the north of the UK if necessary.
Both crossings over the Severn Estuary, the QEII Dartford Crossing bridge and the Sheppey Crossing in Kent were all closed to traffic while the Highways Agency issued warnings for high-sided vehicles, caravans and motorbikes.
"Use common sense. I wouldn’t want to be on the roads in the dark later tonight."
Western Power said they have 5000 customers without power and are bringing in extra staff to help deal with 60 incidents
The Environment Agency said 20-40mm (0.8-1.6inches) of rain could fall within six to nine hours.
It has teams working to minimise river flood risk, clearing debris from streams and unblocking culverts.
A spokesman added: "Seafronts, quaysides and jetties should be avoided due to the risk of overtopping by waves and wind-blown shingle."
A yellow warning, meaning "be aware", has been issued for the rest of Wales and England.
In London, the Metropolitan Police has urged people to avoid calling 999 during the storm unless there is a real emergency.
The storm has been compared to the Great Storm of 1987, which claimed 22 lives in England and France in a three hour period.
Veteran weatherman Michael Fish, who famously failed to predict its severity, warned people to "batten down the hatches" and delay their Monday morning journey by two or three hours.
Storm: Britain Prepares For '80mph Winds'
Storm: Britain Prepares For '80mph Winds'
Hundreds of trains have been cancelled and a boy swept out to sea as Britain prepares for one of its worst storms in years.
They are then expected to blast across England and Wales throughout the day.
Torrential rain is also forecast and there are several flood warnings in place.
The storm is expected to bring severe disruption to transport, with train companies warning of widespread cancellations due to possible debris on the tracks.
Air travel, including 21 British Airways' flights, have also been affected, Sky News understands.
As the storm gets closer, police have said a 14-year-old boy has been swept out to sea while swimming at Newhaven, East Sussex.
Coastguard and a lifeboat are searching for the teenager. Sussex Police have warned people to "stay clear" of seashores during the adverse weather.
The storm has drawn comparisons with the Great Storm of 1987, when 18 people died and thousands of homes were without power for several days.
Veteran weatherman Michael Fish famously failed to predict its severity before it flattened trees, knocked out power and left 22 people dead in England and France.
This time he has warned people to "batten down the hatches" and to delay their journey by two or three hours on Monday morning.
"If you draw a line from about Aberystwyth to the Humber - everywhere south of there looks like getting affected by strong winds, to the north of that the problem is going to be heavy rain and localised flooding.
"These strong winds aren't going to last all that long, but they are going to be unfortunately getting up around about rush hour time, so the message we're trying to convey at the moment is to delay your journey just by two or three hours in the morning, and then you should be safe."
His comments were echoed by senior fire chiefs who have urged people to stay indoors if possible, and to take extra care if venturing out.
Meteorologists have warned the fierce winds and torrential rain could leave a trail of destruction, damaging buildings and bringing down trees and power lines.
Roads may also be hit by flash flooding, bringing rush hour traffic on Monday morning to a halt, and homes could be flooded.
He was updated on preparations and contingency planning for transport, schools, hospitals, councils and power supplies.
Mr Cameron was told that the storm could have "a widespread impact", but that transport providers, local Government, emergency services and power companies had plans in place to respond.
The much-anticipated storm has been named St Jude after the patron saint of lost causes, whose feast day is tomorrow.
Insurance companies have advised households to take steps to protect themselves and their property.
People should also establish evacuation plans, place valuable items upstairs to limit flood damage and ensure gutters are clear so water can drain away.
The Environment Agency says 20-40mm of rain could fall within six to nine hours.
A spokesman said: "Seafronts, quaysides and jetties should be avoided due to the risk of overtopping by waves and wind-blown shingle."
Severe weather alerts are in place, with an amber warning, meaning "be prepared", for the southern half of England and Wales.
A yellow warning, meaning "be aware", has been issued for the rest of Wales and England up to the border with Scotland.
Sky News weather presenter Jo Wheeler said: "The storm is coming through at the worst possible time; from around midnight to midday on Monday.
"So Monday morning’s rush hour looks like being chaotic with travel and power interruptions anticipated.
"The public are advised to take the greatest care - and to carry a fully charged mobile if travel is necessary.
"Trees are still full in leaf at this time of year and the ground is quite damp so there is more chance they can be ripped from the ground, and branches ripped from trees.”
She said Atlantic storms of this type usually develop further west across the ocean, losing strength by the time they reach the UK and Ireland.
But the storm is expected to intensify near to the mainland before it hits the south-west coast with full force and sweeps north-east across the country, with a strong jetstream and warm air close to the UK contributing to its development and strength.
Darron Burness, head of the AA's flood rescue team, said: "The timing couldn't really be worse, potentially causing significant travel disruption on Monday morning, which is one of the busiest times on the roads."
The Metropolitan Police has urged people to avoid calling 999 during the storm unless there is a real emergency.
St Jude UK Storm Advice
Are You Ready For St Jude Storm?
Updated: 2:45pm UK, Sunday 27 October 2013
Hurricane-force winds and 1.6 inches of rainfall will hit England and
Wales tonight. Key officials have issued the following advice for people
to keep themselves and their belongings safe:
:: Stay indoors if possible, and take extra care if venturing out
:: Avoid seafronts, quaysides and jetties
:: Stay up to date with weather forecasts and warnings
:: Carry a fully charged mobile if outdoors
:: Establish evacuation plans
:: Place valuable items upstairs to limit flood damage
:: Ensure gutters are clear so water can drain away
:: Give high-sided vehicles, caravans, motorbikes and bicycles plenty of space
:: Delay travel by two or three hours on Monday morning
:: Check transport websites for the latest information
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- 12/27 - 01/03 (4)
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- 10/04 - 10/11 (1)
- 09/27 - 10/04 (2)
- 06/28 - 07/05 (1)
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- 11/30 - 12/07 (1)
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- 04/27 - 05/04 (1)
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- 01/27 - 02/03 (6)