Dal Khalsa honours SHAHEED BHAI DARSHAN SINGH JI who was martyred by Police bullets protesting against Ashutosh DJJS Dera - Anti Sikh organisation which calls Sikhs agents of the West & Pakistan,their main aim is the conversion of Panjab in to Hinduism to form what the RSS wants Hindutva Hindi,Hindu,Hindustan.
Shaheed Bhai Darshan Singh Ji was a true son of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and took the bullets fired by Police like a true Khalsa would on the battlefield - he was there when the Sikh Nation needed defending from Anti Sikh forces who wish to destroy Sikhism and Panjab.
One cannot help but see parrallels to 1978 when 13 Sikhs were shot dead by Police and followers of 'Nirankari' - Narkhdhari Gurbachana another Anti Sikh Cult.Ashutosh too was planning to carry out beadbi and present himself as a Guru in a parade but this was cancelled at the last minute due to fears for his safety.

We ask for all to honour this great Shaheed in their local Gurdwaras,Communities and in their families.Our immediate thoughts are with his family and children and we are confident that the Panth will unite to take care of his family who are the sons and daughters of a Shaheed Khalsa who did not shy away from facing live ammunition while peacefully protesting in defence of Sikhism and Panjab.
This is a very dangerous and critical time for Panjab and our Sikh Qoum and we ask all to please UNITE and leave aside your differences - YOU the Sikh Nation are all targets in this conspiracy and YOU are ALL needed to defend the Nation and to Unite for the sake of Panjab,Sikhi and our Shaheeds - such as Bhai Darshan Singh Ji
We Honour Your Sacrifice
VIDEO SIKHS BEING BRUTALLY ATTACKED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEaW1_6Qubc
FUNERAL BHAI DARSHAN SINGH JI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtEO9SaXgok
Dal Khalsa Press Release Regarding Attacks